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How is MyVerifiedLeads different from property portals and social media leads?


"My Verified Leads" is the only platform that provides verified leads to real estate clients. Verified means that these clients have undergone technical and manual verification by our team, and they have shown interest in a property of specific location, budget, type, etc. Let's look at the pros and cons of all the major lead sources available in the Real Estate Industry:

Lead Sources in Real Estate Industry

"My Verified Leads" is the only platform that provides verified leads to real estate clients. Verified means that these clients have undergone technical and manual verification by our team, and they have shown interest in a property of specific location, budget, type, etc. Let's look at the pros and cons of all the major lead sources available in the Real Estate Industry:

Property portals:

It is the most important source through which leads are generated by agents and builders in the real estate industry. Agents whose main focus area is the sale and renting of resale property are hugely dependent on property portals. The quality of leads is good, but the problem is that the same lead is available to multiple agents, so the competition is huge and the closure rate is relatively low. The volume of leads is also very good; you will keep getting good inquiries and your employees will always be engaged. The cost per lead is also relatively low, though now the package costs for property portals have gone up significantly, still, it's one of the most cost-effective ways to generate leads.

It is another very important source of generating leads. One common feedback of Facebook ads is that the quality of leads, especially in the real estate industry, is relatively poor. Still, a lot of agents who focus on fresh or new properties, meaning builder projects, generate leads through Facebook. Similarly, the builder community also works a lot on Facebook ads. Volume is very good for Facebook ads; most of the time if the cost of the property is low, then you can get leads at a very low cost, which can be as low as Rs50 or below. Many clients just focus on generating quality leads through Facebook and they are very comfortable with this option.

Google ads probably provide the best quality of leads among all the available sources right now. One major issue regarding Google ads is that it’s very expensive. It works on a bidding system on various keywords. The keywords are quite expensive, especially for residential projects in metro cities, and you need multiple clicks to receive a lead. Another problem with Google ads is its technical nature; first of all, you need a website or landing page to run your search ads on Google, and you also need good data analysis skills to perform your Google ads. So relatively very few agents opt for Google ads. Some of the agents with a good team size use Google ads a lot, as the quality of leads is good and conversion chances are higher.


We are trying to be a verified leads platform. All the lead source options mentioned above do not provide verified leads; the ratio of junk leads in the above platforms is from low to very high. We endeavor to provide improved conversion rates to the clients. We try to validate the old or dead leads with the clients; this process not only helps in building collaboration amongst the agents but also helps them in monetizing their junk leads, hence improving the ROI for the clients.

Ritesh Anand

The author is founder of Myverifiedleads.

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